Toy Bricks
To know God is to play well.
Toy bricks (aka LEGO) are my weapon of choice, my rocket fuel, and my blank canvas. It is not just a toy but something that gets me into a different state: a state of play and freedom. Everyone has their own plaything, but for me, LEGO is it. These toy bricks are equalizers for those who can’t draw or scup. The shapes and sizes are standardized, and everyone has access to the same colours. It’s the kind of play that anyone can take hold and make something amazing with, regardless of whether you’ve been playing with them for 30 years or one week. It can be literal or metaphoric, 10000 pieces or just 3; the only limitation is how they are connected.
Today, I build digitally and physically, and I also use it to teach and run VBS workshops, team-building games, and various classes. It is part of what I do in my downtime as well as in my work.